As Obsidian’s founder and owner, I look with an investor’s eye at the bottom line and I look at who we are and what we do with the hopes, dreams and pride that inspired its creation. We are still becoming, still learning, still adapting—and always will be. But some things are baked in to who we are.
It started with my vision for The Place I Want to Work.
I wrote it initially in map colors to capture its childlike simplicity. It still seems like a simple vision to me: a place that expects me to bring my best, that supports me to do work I am proud of in a way I am proud of, with peers I am excited to learn from and create with every day.
Obsidianites have taken these values and made them into a living, breathing culture. It’s not just that I expect their best; they expect it from themselves and from each other. If something doesn’t measure up, they don’t let it slide—they do something about it.
The end result is an agile team of curious, highly creative problem solvers, hard-working achievers determined to deliver on-target solutions to our clients’ toughest challenges. Obsidianites advocate for the learners with solid yet innovative learning strategy and design supported with sleek technology to make learning available whenever and wherever learners need it. Our work makes a difference, and I love that we get to do that.
I’m convinced that the vision laid out in “The Place I Want to Work” is our secret formula for success. We are a small business competing successfully on the world stage. We are a Top eLearning Content Provider, and we have made the [national list of Best and Brightest Places to Work for several years.
Of course I am proud. And I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings to us—and what we bring to tomorrow.